Most of June I Spent in Jail Again

Question: What is the total amount of time Paul was in prison during his ministry?

Answer: Paul, like the other Apostles, were hated by well-nigh of the Jews because they openly and publicly taught that Jesus was the Son of God. The Jews idea this was blasphemy against God and were more than willing to throw someone in jail over the issue. Ironically, earlier his conversion, Paul persecuted many people and put several of them in prison likewise.

The Christians were afraid of Paul, after his conversion, because they didn't believe that he was converted. They remembered how he had treated their brethren in the past. The more zealous a Jew was about their conventionalities in God, the more they hated the Apostles. Consequently, they were persecuted and put in prison house more than most people (see Acts 5:17 - 18).

All the Apostles, including Paul, were beaten, hauled off to jail, and most all (with the exception of John) killed for their beliefs. Christ told them "no man is greater than his master" (John 13:16), and He besides said, to paraphrase, "they would drink out of His cup." In both statements, He was telling them they would be persecuted and killed as He was. In God'due south Kingdom they volition receive their rewards.

Painting showing death of Saint Paul by Beccafumi

Death of Saint Paul past Beccafumi

The verbal fourth dimension and duration of when the evangelist was in prison house tin can vary depending on which commentary or reference work is used. Below are some of the times, listed in the Bible, where the apostle plant himself in jail.

In Philippi, during what is chosen his 2nd missionary journeying, Paul casts out a demonic spirit from a slave girl. Her masters, all the same, who had been making a living from the woman's spiritual powers, go angry at the evangelist. They stir up the unabridged urban center confronting him and fellow-evangelist Silas such that they are arrested, beaten and put in prison house (Acts 16:16 - 18).

Jews from Asia, who hate Paul, see him at the temple in Jerusalem and believe (wrongly) that he is bringing unconverted Gentiles into a part of the temple area where they were forbidden. They loudly accuse him of wrongdoing and stir upwards a riot against him. The mob violently lay their hands upon him and drag him out of the temple. As they begin to shell the apostle to death the Roman regular army shows upwards and saves his life (Acts 21:30 - 32).

For Paul's safety he is taken at nighttime by 200 Roman soldiers to Caesarea. It is in Caesarea that Governor Felix resides and where the trial against the campaigner can be heard. Although Felix believes that he is innocent, he keeps him in prison house for more two years in the hopes someone will offering a bribe to free him (Acts 24:26 - 27). Paul is eventually sent to Rome by transport in order to have Caesar hear his instance.

After spending a little more than 2 years in a Caesarea prison house (Acts 24:27), the apostle is escorted to Rome past a Centurion. He somewhen arrives in the city and spends fourth dimension in a hired house (28:30), while under abort, for about 2 years as he awaits his trial and ultimate acquittal in the bound of 63 A.D. In mid to late 67 Paul is arrested over again just this time ends up in a jail cell in Rome. He is incarcerated until he is beheaded by the Romans effectually May or June of 68.

Technically speaking, the Apostle Paul is nether arrest for virtually five years during his ministry. Although most two and 1 half years of this period is spent in a literal prison cell, the rest is spent either nether house arrest or being escourted by a Roman soldier from Jerusalem to Rome.


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